Monday, January 17, 2011

Sick of being SICK/New Year

Well, I would like to say that this New Year has been pretty good.....WE have been sick a lot!!! We are just sick of being sick. It has been an endless cycle. If there is something going around, guess what, we have caught it. Cory is going to the doctor tomorrow. I am so tried of seeing doctors. We have spent so much money, we could have taken a months vacation. I keep thinking maybe we will all be sick now and the rest of the year we will be healthy. Here's hoping that is true. Sorry, I do not have any cute pictures.....I mean I do, but I am not in the mood to upload them.

On a better note:
Cory and I celebrated our 8th, yes I said 8th, Anniversary a few weeks ago. Time flies when you are having fun or chasing kiddos or going out of your mind! LOL I really do love that guy. He is so good!!!

Marti will be walking before we know it. She is already letting go and free standing. YIKES! What happen to our baby. You know, she will be a year in a couple of months! We have been thinking about party ideas and such.

Evan.....what can I say about our little man. He is getting so big. He is writing his name, making letter sounds, and loving school. He is at the movies with Aunt Amber watching Tangled right now. He loves MOVIES!

Cory and I thought a lot about the new year and how we wanted this year to be defined. We decided on two words for our year......LIVE and MISTAKES.... We are always so by the book/rule and we both have been feeling moved to grow out of our comfort zones (for awhile).
We don't know where this will lead us.....but things are all ready on the move and being put out on the table for us.(I will let you know, when we know.) Its all very exciting and we know that we must trust and believe that there is a greater plan for our lives. WE WILL TRUST! WE WILL HOPE! WE WILL BELIEVE! WE WILL LOVE!

Here is to you LIVING and all your MISTAKES! Make it GREAT-this is not a dress rehearsal!

Much Love,

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