Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Safety Day @ Swim Lessons

This post is pretty long...go get a snack and get comfy!

Evan is truly enjoying swim lessons and ask everyday what time is it, time to go mom? Cory and I have really been impressed with the staff and the quality of teaching. This is Evan's last two days of this session, he begins a new session Monday. Well, the last two days of lessons the kids are taught to swim to safety with extra clothes on and a life jacket. Just incase they fall in the water. They also taught them how to yell for help and throw a life saver to someone yelling for help. Evan was too cute throwing a noodle to his teacher, who was yelling HELP HELP! He did a great job....then it was time for the DIVING BOARD. YES! the diving board! They show the kids how to jump off and swim to safety. Here are a few pictures.......


Ms. Ashley and Evan
She has done a wonderful job with Evan!


Time for the Diving Board!!
Lets just say I was SO nervous for him....

The LONG walk to the end of the board!!!

Getting closer!!

Ok, I think I'm ready?????
Looking at MOM!!!
"GO EVAN! YOU CAN DO IT!", I shouted

He kicked his little legs as fast as he could to the ladder!
And I was there waiting for him with a big smile.....
He gave me a big high five and a big jump!!!
"I did it!", he said and got in line for another turn!!!
We are so proud of you little man!!!

We were headed to the car and daddy called. "How did the diving board go?", Cory asked...So I put Evan on the phone....."I jumped off the board daddy." I am so glad he is loving the water!!!
Tomorrow they get to play on the rope swing and swing into the water!!!!! So much FUN!!! What a fun way to end the session! I am so excited to see the progress he will make in the next two weeks....he has already improved so much!

They do swim lessons/classes year round....we have decided that it would we great for Evan to keep going! He is not old enough for any of the other sport activities yet so we think this is wonderful for him! Plus, he needs to know how to swim and if he wants to take diving lessons or become part of a team this is a great start!

Well, its nap time! We have a "Big Family Night" at church tonight. Should be tons of fun....jumpers, games, and great food and friends. I will take pictures.

We are so proud of Evan!!!! OH- in all my excitement I also forgot.....Sarah took our family pictures yesterday evening! Can't wait to see them, she is awesome. We started out at the house and then went to a field to finish up. Marti's shoot is Friday morning! Ok-I guess that is all I have for now!!

Proud Momma,

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